i interviewed today for a job. i don't know if you have ever been so lucky as to phone interview from overseas, but well, let's just say, it's an experience. i had a plan. wake up an hour before interview time (6:00 am). get some coffee and breakfast in me. shower. put the tie on. yeah, that's right. had to get in game mode so i wore the tie for the phone interview. i am still debating if i should have changed out of my puppy slippers though to really complete it though. anyway. i was feeling good about the plan and all and i had been prepping for a week with answers and my thoughts about the job. but the interview began and i felt little prepared to be in the situation i found myself in. i toughed it out and wrestled through and wouldn't call it a bad experience, it just felt as though i couldn't articulate my thoughts and the passion that brought me to the job (no doubt a very frustrating experience). all is well though. i know that me being placed in this job is bigger than an initial interview. if i have learned anything here it is that the Father takes care of us and guides our paths and we just need to pursue Him.
beyond that...it was a good week. i got bumped up to teaching sixteen hours. which is ok. that's the credit max, but my classes are pretty laid back and my lesson planning and grading is minimal. it was good to see my adult students for the first time in over two months and i enjoyed a good lunch with some of my new music students today so that was great as well. i have two classes of brand new adult students and their english is lacking to say the least. this is ok. i had imagined i would find myself in this position for the majority of my classes, but all of my other classes have had decent enough comprehension that there hasn't been a problem. but these are new classes, so i am excited for the challenge and call for creativity. i just feel bad for the students, i think they are a little overwhelmed right now. at least by judging by there reactions today, especially the despaired reaction of one girl after i told her i didn't speak any chinese (after i was asked the question in chinese). so not entirely true, and i have been intending to increase my studying and commitment to language acquisition, but i hold a strict no chinese policy in my classes.
anyway. that's me. good week this week. minus a slight run in with the meat cleaver, but i am typing again with my index finger now so that's a good sign. bought episodes 7-11 of planet earth today (i already own 1-6). amazing. watching a wolverine eat a caribou right now-just a little disturbing. trying to put up travel pictures on my facebook right now. two albums down, one, maybe two to go. if you want me to send you the link let me know (you don't need facebook). alright, bed time. mei you xiuxi jin tian. wo lei le. (i had no nap today. i am tired.)