Thursday, September 20, 2007

Who I have Met...


I came to China and was really excited to meet my students and build relationships with them. But since arriving I have interacted regularly with…

-Like minded Expats

-University Workers-some a little easier to work with than others

-Foreign Language Department Teachers-great people

-Students that aren't mine-sometimes they make me wish I taught seniors

-Students not even at my university-just a good guy

-Korean Exchange Students-so funny

-Japanese Exchange Students-the kid loves to play the guitar and any one with the name Kazu has got to be legit

-An American studying abroad-something else. Language ability blows my mind.

-My crazy door guard that may smile at me or may yell at me when I walk through the gate (Mr. Mei or Mei Xiansheng)- we aren't quite friends, he doesn't speak English and I don't speak Guiyanghua or Mandarin, but hopefully someday we'll be friends. Either way, we are a part of each others lives.

-Kids that yell "HELLO!" to me when I walk by them in

-The lady I buy my fruit from (Satsumas for $.20 USD a pound, not bad)

-Oh yeah, my 550 students (the other 100 don't start until October), some of which I am already corresponding with regularly outside of class

-Other random neighbors and people

The crazy thing is I get to love on all of them. To be a part of all of there lives. It's exciting. It's…well, it makes me laugh and scratch my head at how I can be so narrow minded sometimes. I just Hope a little light can get to places that can seem so dark sometimes.