It occurred to me recently how thankful I am for my job. Well, first, I am thankful for a job, any job. That alone is a blessing and I know I am fortunate. I know several people who aren't able to say the same and it's a tough thing. But I am thankful for my job. I am thankful for the people I work with and around and for the people who come in daily. Is it my dream job. Not really. But it's a great place for me right now and a great step along the way.
And it's a good thing I have a job because a couple weeks back I had some stuff stolen. And by some stuff I mean my bag. Being a bike commuter makes my bag a very important thing. I keep everything I need in my bag. Some people have things spread out between home, office, car. Nope. I am not peddling somewhere to get something I could have just had on me all along. So that makes said stealing of bag a little more than frustrating. Top words I would use to describe bag loss...frustrating, unbelievable, ridiculous, unfortunate-especially in timing (seeing as how my new computer was in it. Two weeks earlier they wouldn't have gotten a nice new computer with my bag). It's interesting though. I was on the phone with a friend right after it happened and I was laughing about it and saying that an injustice had happened to me. But the words didn't really seem to ring true. Because yes, my stuff was stolen, and yes I would say having something stolen from you is a form of injustice, but I can't say that without realizing how blessed I am in the first place to even have had those things. It's ridiculous really. There are so many people in the world that experience true injustice daily be it under oppresive military regimes or enslaved by people looking to profit off them, that the loss of a few luxuries hardly seems to be an injustice at all. Granted there is a lot I could do with the money I will now need to spend on some of those things that I actually needed (like a bag that keeps the rain out), but at least I have a job I can work at and earn that money at. And that is something to be thankful for.